In Islam There Are Three Types Of Hajj Below Are The Differences Between Them

In Islam There Are Three Types Of Hajj Below Are The Differences

Between Them.

Islam recognizes three types of Hajj. Here are the details of all three types of Hajj:

Hajj Ifrad, Hajj Qiran, and Hajj Tamattu.

Hajj is one of Islam’s five pillars, and today we’ll go over the

many sorts in detail and in simple terms to assist people to grasp what the differences are.

1. Ifrad Hajj

1. Ifrad Hajj



Isolated Hajj, also known as Hajj Ifrad, refers to a person who just performs Hajj but not Umrah.

Madrid is the name given to the individual who conducts Hajj Ifrad This is for those

who live within the Masjid al-limits. Haram’s (i.e. People living in Jeddah).

The person will wear Ihram solely for the purpose of completing the Hajj. This person is not

permitted to conduct Umrah, and if he does, he is no longer fulfilling

Hajj Ifrad This guy is not allowed to leave Ihram until the devil is stoned.

2. Qiran Hajj

2. Qiran Hajj



The accompanied Hajj is also known as Hajj Qiran  It is intended for those who

do not live close to Masjid Al Haram. This version of Hajj requires the performer to

wear Ihram for both Umrah and Hajj, and both must be completed in the same Ihram.

After the Hajj and Umrah are accomplished, the Ihram is removed The person cannot exit

Ihram until both Hajj and Umrah have been done.

3. Tamattu Hajj


3. Tamattu Hajj


When you perform Hajj with Umrah, it is referred to as Hajj Tamattuor Mutamatti (Meaning

enjoyable hajj). People who travel from other

countries to conduct Hajj commonly do Hajj Tamattu, which includes Umrah.

It should be remembered that Umrah must be performed prior to the Hajj days.

(Hajj Tamattu must be performed in two Ihrams:

one for Umrah and one for Hajj.)

Three Types Of Hajj

What are the names’ meanings?

The Arabic names for the three forms of Hajj are

explained in the preceding description:

The word ‘ifrad‘ means to single out something, and in this case,

it refers to performing the hajj without any additional rituals.

– The word ‘Qiran‘ means a combination of two things.

In this form, a traveler combines the Hajj and Umrah intentions.

Tamattu” means to enjoy something. It may appear that this connotation

has nothing to do with Hajj. However, it actually refers to the pilgrim’s privilege

of performing both the rituals of ‘Umrah and the rituals of Hajj in one journey,

so avoiding the burden of making two separate journeys for Hajj and ‘Umrah,

or of taking advantage of the time gap between the two.

As a symbol of thankfulness for Allah’s concessions, pilgrims

conducting Tamattuor Qiran is expected to slaughter an animal.

This is what it means to offer the Hadi.

Three Types Of Hajj

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