What are Rules Of Iddah?

What are Rules Of Iddah?

What Are Rules Of Iddah: Iddah or Iddat is an Arabic word that means “waiting time.”
Muslim women observe it.
It is a period of chastity that a Muslim woman must observe after her marriage ends,
either because her husband died or because they got divorced before she can legally marry again.
The purpose of the iddat period is to find out if the woman is pregnant or not and to confirm the father’s identity.

A widower who has lost her husband observes it for four lunar months and
ten days following his passing, regardless of whether or not they had a consummated marriage.

Divorced women who become pregnant during their Iddat period remain in that status
until the pregnancy ends in either a live birth or a miscarriage.

A pregnant lady who loses her husband must follow iddat for an entire year,
or nine months throughout her pregnancy and three months after her husband’s death.

It is against the law (arm) for a woman who is following the iddah of a widow
to wear adornments or do anything else that would be considered an adornment.
But it’s not against the law for her to leave the house.

If a husband is missing or falls under the rule of being absent,
a widow’s iddah starts when she finds out about her husband’s death, not when her husband dies.
But if a girl hasn’t reached the age of legal responsibility or is insane,
this rule is problematic (maall al-ishkal)62, and it is necessary to be careful in these situations.

Rules Of Iddah

A widow has to wait four months and ten days before she can marry again.
If someone wants to marry a widow or divorced woman,
he can say so in a socially acceptable way while the iddat period is still going on.
There shouldn’t be any secret plans to marry the widow.

If a woman says, “My iddah is Completed,” it is important to take her word for it, unless she is thought to be someone whose word cannot be taken in this case.
In that case, it is important to take extra precautions and not take her word.
For example, if she says she bled three times in one month,
her story won’t be believed unless her female relatives can back it up.

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