Dua For Start And End Of Islamic Year

Dua For Start And End Of Islamic Year


Friday, Saudi Arabia saw the Muharram 1 crescent,
which marks the start of the Hijri Islamic New Year.

Alhamdulillah, Hijri 1441 has begin, and according to the Umm Al Qura Calendar,
September 1, 1441, AH is Muharram 2, 1441 AH.

Dua For Start Of Year:

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Hisham said that the Sahabah would learn the following
Dua for when a new month or year began:


Hadith: 6241 of (Al-Mujamul Awsat of Tabarani)

Oh, Allah, bless and give peace to our leader Muhammad,
his family, and his followers.

Oh, Allah, we raise our hands to You day and night,
and we ask for Your Generosity through Your Beautiful Names and
at this time when we love You and all love that shows Your Greatness.

Oh, Allah, the New Year is here as You had planned.
As Your creations who always want Your blessings,
the start of the New Year has given us another chance to raise our hands
in prayer to ask for Your mercy. We ask only of You.
We want you to keep leading us and teaching us,
just like you have done so far.
You have made our lives and ways of making a living better with all the
things you have given us.
Make us, our hearts, and our bodies strong,
just like you have strengthened those you have chosen.
We want to be protected from wrongs,
whether they happen physically or spiritually, by this strength.

Oh, All-Powerful Allah, we beg you to give us mental strength, peace,
confidence that is strong, steadfastness in upholding our religion,
and goodness for ourselves and those around us.

Dua For Start Of Year:


O Allah, protect us from anything that bothers us,
from thoughts that make
us confused and from experiences

that make us sad and close our hearts. Guard us against all wrongdoing,
harm, and confusion.

O Allah, we want Your Bounty to give us what we have asked for.

Allah, Lord of those who give help, please help us.

O Protector of All Harm, keep us safe from harm and trouble.

Oh Most Gracious, Most Merciful, may this New Year bring success and
peace for us and all Muslims who are working for your cause.
Make the next year full of wonderful things to do so that
we can taste the blessings of living.
Let us be the happiest people when we’re with You.

Oh Allah, please forgive us for all the wrong things we’ve done
and accept our good deeds. Bless our time, moments, moves, and stillness.

Oh, Allah, protect our country from harm,
get rid of anything that could disturb our peace,
and help us keep our country’s peace and progress going with your help,
Lord of all Power. Dua For Start And End Of Islamic Year

Dua For End Of Year:

Start With the name of Allah, Who’s the Kindest,
the Most Merciful

All praises go to Allah, the Lord of the whole universe.
Praises be to Prophet Muhammad saw,
his family, and his followers.

Oh, Allah, it’s been a year. You have given us the Greatness of Your Nikmah
that we could never have imagined,
and You have kept us safe from harm when we could not get away from it.
We have done things that only You know whether or not they were good or bad.

Oh Allah, if the good deeds we’ve done are in line with your teachings,
please see them as good deeds.
But if these good deeds were done with arrogance and envy,
if we did something wrong, or if our intentions were bad,
we ask for Your forgiveness and beg You to hide all these wrongdoings.
Please bless us with your goodness and your many blessings.

Dua For Start And End Of Islamic Year

Oh, Allah, the New Year has crept in, and this year will soon be over.
We hope that You’ll let us start this New Year with the door of forgiveness
so that we don’t end up losing everything.
Oh, Allah, we beg you to give us Taufiq this year so we can keep doing
good things that make you happy and live in peace.

Oh, Allah, we want you to protect our bodies so we can continue to worship you.
Keep us safe so that our hearts can be filled with love.
Please open our hearts so we’ll always be looking for you,
just like you open the hearts of the righteous.
Please put us in the group of people who keep their promises
and can handle their responsibilities.
Please make our lives a witness to all the things you have asked us to do,
Oh, Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Generous.