Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation

Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation

Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation

The Talbiyah is a devotional prayer that pilgrims say when
they decide to go into the state of Ihram during Hajj or Umrah.
It is said many times during the pilgrimage. Hajj

Recital Method

The Sunnah way to say the Talbiyah is to take a short break at each
of the four places where there are dashes. Here is what they say:

Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation

Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation

When men say the Talbiyah, they should raise their voices,
while women should say it quietly. Hajj Talbiyah Meaning Audio

After saying the Talbiyah for the first time,
it is best to send Salawat to the Prophet and make Dua for yourself and others.

When We Recite

As much Talbiyah as possible should be said during Hajj and Umrah.
It is recommended to read it while standing, sitting, walking, riding in a car, laying down,
being a little or a lot dirty, or even when you are having your period.

It should also be said when the time or place changes,
like when night or day comes, when getting on or off a vehicle,
when meeting a group of pilgrims, after Salah, and in any mosque.

It is best to say the Talbiyah at least three times.

  • Neither Tawaf nor Sa’i is the time to read it.
  • Hajj pilgrims should keep saying the Talbiyah until Jamarah al-Aqaba is
    stoned on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah or just before Tawaf al-Ziyarah,
    whichever comes first.
  • Pilgrims doing Umrah should stop saying it right before they start the Tawaf of Umrah.

The Legality

Hanafis and Malikis regard the recital of the Talbiyah to be obligatory,
hence ignoring it would invalidate the Hajj or Umrah,
according to these schools. Hajj
Because reciting the Talbiyah is considered a Sunnah by the Hanbali and Shafi’i schools,
even if one opts not to, the pilgrimage is still acceptable.

Talbiyah Hadith

Hajj Talbiyah Meaning, Audio, Translation