What Is Haram for Women in Islam

What Is Haram for Women in Islam

So the word “haram” is used for something that Allah has forbidden in Islam. Such guidelines rooted in the Quran and Hadith (teachings of Prophet Muhammadﷺ) help both men and women in striving to fulfill righteousness. What is haram for women in Islam, Though we have listed all those things that consider haraam to be female there are a few more common questions asked by women, let us read it simply.

1- Forbidden Relationships

  • Women in Islam can’t keep any romantic, physical relationships with men who are not their husbands. That includes dating of any kind, or any form of intimacy before, or outside the context of marriage.
  • The Quran clearly warns against such behavior, saying: ” Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way.” (Surah Al-Isra, 17:32)

2- Revealing Clothes

  • Women are taught to be modest in their dress. This means that the body should be covered, and they leave the face and hands open (sometimes the feet as well), but basically when in public or around men who are not their “mahram” (can look it up).
  • The Quran further enjoins modesty, commanding the believing women “not to show off their beauty and that they should draw their veils over their bodies.​” [24] (Surah An-Nur, 24:31)

3- Public Show of Beauty

  • That is women’s beauty in Islam( must be private ). Moreover, let her not allow her body to be exposed or follow the fashions of time by wearing tight opposite attire (to what is appropriate), which attracts attention away from that which she should protect most especially in front of men who are not mahram.
  • Make-up and attractive dress is very much discouraged since it does not conform to modesty.

4- Physical Contact with Non-Mahrams

  • Islam protects the woman’s body. All her mahram like her father, brothers, sons uncles, and grandfather can touch her. And she should only be touched by her husband.
  • Any touching (shaking hands, etc.) with men who are not her mahram is haram.

5- Modesty in Behavior

  • Modesty is much more than what a woman wears, it is also how she conducts herself. This is from the things that are haram for women and it does not matter whether a woman lives on TV or flirts or talks in a seductive voice or makes love to be other than mahram.
  • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described modesty as one of the central characteristics of men and women in Islam.

6- Other Prohibited Acts for Women

  • Strife and backbiting, Islam speaks against talking about others behind their backs. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: backbiting is eating the flesh of your dead brother. (Sahih Muslim)
  • Alcohol and drugs: These two are the most heavily haram substances because they can prompt dangerous behavior and even sinful behavior. The Qur’an simply states, (O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants… are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it. (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:90)
  • Riba (Interest): Islam strictly prohibits gain from any financial transactions and interest is included as “unfair exploitation”. According to the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:275), It is prohibited to practice a riba in our transactions.

7- Religious Obligations

  • Like men, women are obligated to pray five times a day and fast during the month of Ramadan. It is haram to intentionally avoid praying or fasting if you do not have a valid reason.
  • Nonetheless, religion does not exempt women from prayer or other religious responsibilities without reason.

8- Can a Girl Show Her Legs in Islam?

  • Not, in Islam, it is haram for a woman to unveil her legs to non-mahram men. Also, the Quran suggests that women should wear long clothes that cover their legs to keep respect and honor.

9- Pardha Between Non-Mahrams

  • Hair, body, and in many cases, arms and legs must be covered by women when they are not with their mahrams The Quran tells women to “cover their bosoms with the outer garments” as a barrier to decency (Al-Ahzab, 33:59).

10- Women Should Not Travel Alone

  • Traveling without a mahram for long distances (typically more than a day’s journey) is discouraged.
  • For short distances or in safe and secure conditions, some scholars allow it, depending on the circumstances.


These restrictions of haram for women in Islam come from both the Quran and Hadith. They are designed to help women keep THEIR modesty, dignity, and self-respect all while connecting more intimately with the Divine. These guidelines would help women stay away from harm or sin and live a peaceful & fulfilling life. Dressing correctly, working properly, and developing relationships that respect Islam: all engagement with this information helps to make good choices in the lives of Muslim women.

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