Surf Lifesaving School In Sydney Graduates First Muslim Student

Surf Lifesaving School In Sydney Graduates First Muslim Student

Surf Lifesaving School In Sydney Graduates First Muslim StudentSurf Lifesaving School In Sydney Twitter: (SLSA)

For the first time, an Australian Muslim group of men has completed lifesaving training in Sydney.
Off-duty surf lifesavers saved a group of men from a western Sydney mosque’s mosque when they
nearly drowned in secluded waters. Omar Mahmoud and Feroz Sattar created the Swim Brothers organization
and the lifesavers program was born.

Initially, it was a program to teach men from diverse backgrounds how to swim.
Feroz Sattar told The Leader that “all of these guys came from ethnically different
backgrounds and had very little swimming talent when they first started.”surf life saving

After meeting the prerequisites, they’ve now completed their Bronze
Medallion requirements and can proudly call themselves surf lifesavers. Well done!”
Summer patrols on the beaches are something we’re looking forward to, as well.
Omar Mahmoud asserted, “The possibilities are infinite now.
The ultimate purpose of the program is to help trainees earn their
Bronze Medallion and become volunteer surf lifesavers. surf life saving

Steve Pearce, said, “This has so many benefits for Surf Life Saving and the community.”
This is a first: seven Muslim males have graduated as surf lifesavers.
These members will return to their communities and families with water safety information.

It’s a great accomplishment if we can save even one life through this program.

2.6 percent of the 26 million people in Australia are Muslim, according to the 2016 census.
Since the 2011 census, this figure has risen from 2.2% to 2.6%.
Parents of Muslim children are urged to have them learn to swim. Surf Lifesaving School In Sydney


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