Eid Al Adha 2022

Eid Al Adha 2022



Eid Al Adha 2022 or Bakra Eid 2022 is expected to take place on Sunday, July 1st, 2022.

This is a tentative date because the actual date is dependent on

the sighting of the moon in Dhul Hijjah, 1443,

the Islamic Calendar’s 12th and final month.

What is the meaning of Eid al Adha?

Eid Al Adha is a Muslim festival celebrated around the world in honor

of Prophet Ibrahim’s (A.S.) sacrifice,

which he made because of his strong faith in Allah. Eid Al Adha 2022

Ibrahim (AS) expressed a desire to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail (A.S.),

but the Supreme Being replaced his son with a lamb.

The Supreme Being was so pleased with Ibrahim’s (A.S.) submission to Him that

He made sacrifice and religion a permanent part of every Muslim’s life.

This occurrence in religious writing is mentioned in Surah As-Saffat (37:102).

As a result, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid ul Azha once a year on the tenth of Dhul Hijjah.

To commemorate Ibrahim’s sacrifice, Muslims now slaughter a lamb,



or even-toed ungulate (AS).

Fasting on Eid Al Adha and Eid ul-Fitr is strictly prohibited,

as evidenced by the Hadith of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W. ).


Dhul Hajjah’s first 10 days

Dhul Hijjah is one of all the four sacred months of the Islamic calendar,

and therefore the initial 10 days of this month are chosen by God because the best days of the year.

(Surah At Taubah 9:36)

(Sahih Bukhari: 3197)

(Surah Al-Fajr 89:1-2)

1- There are various Hadiths and Quranic Ayahs that emphasize the importance

of doing sensible deeds throughout these blessed days.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated:


Dhul Hijjah pilgrimages begin in the first ten days.

It is a well-known hadith of our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

that abstinence on the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah, Arafah,

is obligatory for those who are not on pilgrimage.

As a result of abstinence on this day,

one is granted forgiveness from Allah for all of one’s previous and subsequent sins.

In the year 1731, Ibn Majah During these ten days (10th Dhul Hijjah), Eid al Adha is widely celebrated,

and animals are sacrificially slaughtered at the end of this period (10th to 13th).

Dhul Hijjah 9th (9th to 13th) marks the beginning of Tashriq, which is a period of abstinence and drinking.

It is now mandatory for every obligatory (fard) prayer from the Fajr Prayer on the 9th of Dhul Hajj until

the 13th of Asr to mention Takbir (Takbirs of Tashriq) for both men and women,

regardless of whether they pray together or individually.

These five-day Takbirs include a total of twenty-three prayers.

Celebration of the Eid al Adha Festival

Every year, Muslims around the world observe Eid Al Adha,

which lasts between two and four days (depending on the country).

This glorious competition, however, requires Muslims to follow certain guidelines.




Prayers for Eid

A disagreement among the scholars over Eid prayers led to a split.

All Muslims, on the other hand, are required to attend the Eid prayers because,

according to the majority of scholars and solid evidence, it is Wajib (obligation).

Additionally, the Eid speech (which follows the Eid prayer) has been
included in this gathering and prayer.

In the morning, when the sun is three meters above the horizon,

the Eid prayer begins and concludes when the sun reaches its meridian.

As a rule of thumb, it’s best to pray before sunrise. 11335. (Abu Dawud)

Eid prayers do not use ‘Iqmah’ or ‘Athan’. Muslim (b): 885] [Sahih Muslim (b): 885]

The Eid prayer is divided into two parts (Rakat in Arabic, the singular is Raka).

The number of Takbirs performed in this prayer versus the other two-Rakat prayers is the primary distinction.

With a raised hand and the Arabic phrase “Allahu Akbar,” this is called takbirs.

Step 1: Set your intention for Eid prayer to include two Rakat and six additional Takbirs.

This is the very first take.

After the Imam has said the first time, “Allahu Akbar,” you should raise your hands and follow suit.

Praying begins with this Takbir, which is the first.

Before the Imam begins reciting the Quran, there will be three Takbirs.

In response to every “Allahu Akbar,” you should raise your hands and then place them on your sides.

The Imam will begin reciting the Quran after the third Takbir.

Put your hands on your chest with your right hand on top of your left hand at this point.

Listen to the Holy Quran’s recitation. Al Fatiha (Quran’s opening chapter) and another verse will be recited by Imam.

Whenever the Imam says, “Allahu Akbar,” enter Ruku (supplication) (the bowing position).

“Rabbana local Hamd” (our Lord’s praise be to You) in a low voice when he says

“Sami Allahu liman Hamidah,” and stand up straight.

Step 7: Enter Sujud when the Imam says, “Allahu Akbar” (prostration).

As in a typical prayer, you will make two prostrations.

Second Raka

A recitation from the Holy Quran will begin with Surah Al Fatiha, followed by another Surah.

There will be 3 Takbirs after the recitation before entering Ruku.

Be like the Imam and do as he tells you. After each “Allahu Akbar,

” raise your hands in the air. Ruku is the next stop after the third Takbir ritual (the bowing position).

Stand straight and whisper “Rabbana local Hamd” when the Imam says Sami Allah hu liman Hamidah.

The Imam’s call to “Allahu Akbar” is the cue to enter the state of Sujud. Two prostrations are required.

The Tashshahud is completed after this step.

In Step 13, you should follow the Imam’s lead and say “Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah”

to the right and then to the left after the prayer is over.

Refrain from getting up too soon in

Step 14. Khutbah will be briefly delivered by the Imam (speech). Keep your hands

still so that you can hear what I have to say. It’s a good idea to follow this advice.

It is Sunnah (some scholars say Wajib) to listen to the sermon (Khutbah) after Eid prayer after it has been completed.

After the Eid Prayer, one should wait for the Imam’s sermon to finish.

The sermon is followed by congratulatory greetings such as ‘Eid Mubarak,’

‘Happy Eid, and,’ etc. from fellow Muslims. Muslim friends and family members like to say ‘Eid Mubarak,’

which is the most common Eid greeting. Eid Al Adha 2022

Extermination of a Mammal

Eid al Adha is a confirmed Sunnah of not only Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) but also of our

beloved Prophet Mohammad (A.S.) (S.A.W.). While the majority of scholars believe it to be ‘Wajib,’

a minority disagree (obligatory).

Cattle sacrifice in the service of Allah is a high form of worship.

Sacrifice enables one to draw nearer to Allah.


Also Like: Ten Days Of Importance For Eid Ul Adha (Bakra Eid)

The Hadith emphasizes the significance of making sacrifices in Allah’s service.

Those Muslims who have the means to sacrifice Eid Al Adha but choose not to do

so because of a worldly reason or a lame excuse are also warned in this text. Eid Al Adha 2022 

The Code of Sacrifices

Those who plan to slaughter an animal during Eid Al Adha must follow the following guidelines:

Before sunset on the 13th day of Dhul Hijjah and after Eid Prayer (10th Dhul Hijjah),

an animal can be sacrificed for Eid al Adha. Nobody can offer a valid sacrifice if it is not

offered between the 10th and the 13th of Dhul Hijjah. (5545) and (1141) of the

Prophetic Writings of the Muslim Scholars When offering your blood,

make sure the animal is one of the Shariah-accepted breeds of goats or cattle. (Surah Al-Anaam 6:143)

3- A single sheep or goat is sufficient for a single family, Eid Al Adha 2022 

whereas a camel or a cow can be shared by seven people. Islamic text: (Sahih Muslim: 1318(a) and 1961(a))

4- The animal to be sacrificed must be an adult and have reached the age stipulated in Shariah,

as stipulated in the Koran.

A goat of at least one year of age, male or female.

At least six-month-old male or female sheep.

At least two-year-old cow, ox, or buffalo.

A five-year-old camel, either a male or a female.

Second, the animal must be in good health.
In addition to that, which is further explained with additional information.

They cannot be deaf or have only one eye. Also, they can’t lose more than a third of their vision.

A third (or more) of their tail or ear is ineligible for them.

Cut off

They are unable to have horns that have been cut off at the base.

They can’t have a bad leg. The animal should be able to walk on it, so it needs to be sturdy.

Because of this, they are not allowed to be extremely thin or lean.

Over half of their teeth or being toothless is not permitted.

“Four types of animals are unlawful to be sacrificed:

1. defective eyes; 2. ill; 3. Lame, and 4. Skinny with no fat.” (According to Bukharian and Muslim, respectively)

Ayah 8866 from the Prophetic Writings of the Prophet Muhammad

6- The person who offers should only have one goal in mind, which is to sacrifice for Allah’s sake. For the animal to be sacrificed, it must be entirely in the person’s control (it is not stolen or taken by force or in joint procession or held in pledge).

The Code of Sacrifices


After sunset on Dhul Qadah’s last day and until Eid, a person who intends to sacrifice should not remove any hair, nail, or skin from their body. “(Ibn Majah: 3150),” he writes, “

8- To comply with the Sunnah, the individual must slaughter the animal himself. Those who are unable to witness the sacrifice can designate someone else to carry it out in their place, but they must be present when the animal is slaughtered or sacrificed. Bukhari: 5554)

When slaughtering an animal, the slaughterer should recite Takbeer (Bismillah, Allahu Akbar) and mention the name of Allah. According to the Prophet (Sahih Bukhari)

10- Many scholars believe that the sacrificed animal’s meat should be divided into three equal parts before eating. One-third should go to the person making the sacrifice (and his or her family), one-third should be given as a gift to the person’s relatives or neighbors, and one-third should be donated to a charity that helps the poor.

Eleven- No part of the sacrificed animal can be sold or given as payment (even to the butcher for his wage), otherwise, it becomes invalid. (Jami: 6118)


Rejoice in this festival by thanking Allah for His favors and for allowing you to carry out Prophet Ibrahim’s noble Sunnah (A.S). You should also remember your less fortunate Muslim brothers and sisters, for whom this joyous occasion would otherwise be out of reach. Eid Al Adha 2022 


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