Reassuringly, previous, non-expired tests continue to detect new viral variations (though it’s worth noting that we don’t know how future variants will evolve). However, they have never been completely accurate, and they still aren’t. (In 2021, Antonio examined a handful of the tests and found inconsistent results.)
A recent study indicated that symptomatic persons should actually take two tests, 48 hours apart. People who suspect they may be sick but do not have symptoms should test three times.
The WHO deemed covid to be no longer a public health emergency of international concern a few months ago.
Massive surges
Massive surges in case counts are still possible, as was the case last winter when the WHO recorded over 44 million cases on December 19. Sadly, fewer people die each year, but they still do. According to the most recent information we have, 497 persons perished from COVID in the week ending July 3. In January of this year, there were far more fatalities, 20,000 to 40,000 per week. Once more, they are only the documented COVID deaths. The actual figures are probably greater.
Personally, compared to when the epidemic first started, I’m not as concerned about COVID-19. That’s in part because I’ve received covid at least twice and am fully immunised. I’m also fortunate enough to be free of a condition that might leave me susceptible to serious illness.
Long covid, however, is another contentious issue that is the “elephant in the room.” (Long covid in children has been the subject of particularly heated controversy, as I detailed here.) Unknown but considerable numbers of people continue to experience severe pain and suffering as a result of the illness. According to researchers, the disease could arise from any coronavirus infection.
I’m holding onto my unused tests for the time being, just in case.
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