Best Dua for Dengue Fever

Best Dua for Dengue Fever

As you read this, you already know that the rate of dengue has gone up again.

So, we’ve put up the dua for dengue fever to protect against it.

You can put this dua anywhere in your room, but you should be careful, and say it every day.
InshaAllah, Allah will protect you.

Dua for Dengue Fever From Holy Quran

To protect yourself from dengue fever, repeat this prayer as often as you can.

Say this prayer in Arabic and English for dengue fever.

Dua for Dengue Fever in Arabic

Best Dua for Dengue Fever


How Many Times Do I Need To Say It?

We say in every post that it’s up to you how many times you want to say it.
The most important thing is to say it with all your heart, even if it’s only once.

 Dengue Fever Has These Signs: 

Pain behind the eyes.
Headaches, Muscle and joint pain.
High Fever.
Skin Rash.

 Note:   If you think you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor.
Just saying the dua won’t help.
You must go to the doctor first and then say the dua so that Allah SWT will help you.

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