Benefits of Surah Muzammil And Waziffa For Job

Benefits of Surah Muzammil And Waziffa For Job

Benefits of Surah Muzammil And Waziffa For Job

Benefits of Surah Muzammil And Waziffa For Job

Have you ever wondered what it is about this particular Surah that compels individuals
to recite it aloud so many times? Read Surah Muzammil and reap the following Ten rewards:

1-If you want a clean heart and soul, recite this Surah.

2- If you recite this Surah every day, you will be protected from any mental illness.

3-It is a certainty that the Prophet will grant an audience to everyone who sincerely and intently recites Surah Muzammil.

4-By keeping this Surah in your regular prayers, you can guard your possessions from harm.

5-In order to avoid trouble, you should recite the Surah every day.

6-Make dua (supplication) to Allah (the God) with the recitation of this Surah, and He will certainly answer your request.

7-Reading this Surah after Tahajud (night prayers) or Isha (evening prayers) can help keep your heart clean until the end of your life.

8-If you recite this Surah, Allah will protect you from the grasp of the world’s slavers.

9-On Thursday evening, if you read the entire Surah Al Muzammil 100 times, Allah would forgive you of your 100 worst sins.

Job Waziffa

10- If You Get a Job Immediately then recite surah Muzammil in the
morning 300 times and evening 300 times at the last read Darood Shareef 7 times.

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